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Patient Resources
“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” – Benjamin Franklin
Websites dedicated to education about whole food, plant-based diet and its impact on health
NutritionMD.org--Disease-based educational information for health care providers and consumers that includes nutrition-focused research and diet considerations, recipes, shopping lists and more. Dr. Jaster co-authored 2 editions of the Nutrition Guide for Clinicians after residency training, and this is the free online resource of that text.
PCRM.org--Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine. Meal plans for specific health concerns as well as tons of great resources about how a plant-based diet optimizes health and prevents, as well as often reversing, chronic disease.
NutritionFacts.org--A wonderfully informative site of videos that Dr. Michael Greger has compiled. Almost any health topic you could think of will have a few videos.
ForksOverKnives.com--Check out their plant-based primer as well as the feature film documentary with the same title. Also, the website has tons of recipes.​
Casey’s recommended books for more information on whole food plant-based diet
How Not To Die by Dr. Michael Greger
Proteinaholic by Dr. Garth Davis
The Starch Solution by Dr. John McDougall
Neal Barnard’s Program for Reversing Diabetes by Dr. Neal Barnard
The Cheese Trap by Dr. Neal Barnard
Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease by Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn
Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition by Dr. T Colin Campbell
The China Study by Dr. T Colin Campbell
The Alzheimer’s Solution by Dean & Ayesha Sherzai, MD
By Any Greens Necessary: A Revolutionary Guide for Black Women Who Want to Eat Great, Get Healthy, Lose Weight and Look Phat by Tracye Lynn McQuirter, MPH
Ageless Vegan: The Secret To Living a Long and Healthy Plant-Based Life by Tracye McQuirter, MPH
UnDo It! How Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Reverse Most Chronic Diseases by Dr. Dean Ornish
The Spectrum: A Scientifically Proven Program to Feel Better, Live Longer, Lose Weight and Gain Health by Dr. Dean Ornish
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Plant-Based Nutrition by Julieanna Hever, MS, RD, CPT
The Pleasure Trap by Dr. Douglas Lisle
Super Immunity by Joel Fuhrman MD
Food Over Medicine: The Conversation That Could Save Your Life by Pamela Popper, PhD, ND and Glen Merzer
Power Foods for the Brain by Dr. Neal Barnard
Veganomincon by Isa Chandra Moskowitz
Engine 2 Cookbook by Rip and Jane Esselstyn
Vegan Under Pressure by Jill Nussinow (this features recipes all made in the Instant Pot, which I highly recommend getting. The money spent will be recaptured in the time you don’t spend over the stove, and quickly!)
The China Study Family Cookbook
The Vegiterranean Diet: The New and Improved Mediterranean Eating Plan--with Deliciously Satisfying Vegan Recipes for Optimal Health by Julieanna Hever
The Healthiest Diet on the Planet: Why the Foods You Love - Pizza, Pancakes, Potatoes, Pasta, and More - Are the Solution to Preventing Disease and Looking and Feeling Your Best by Dr. John McDougall
Download Casey's Master's Thesis:
"A Low-Fat, Whole Foods Plant-Based
Diet to Prevent and Accentuate Standard
Treatment for Type 2 Diabetes"